I live in the country. There I said it. A couple of years ago, we made a decision to
get out of town. We purchased a small 5 acre farm in Cleveland Florida on a
quaint little road. The road we live on
is a giant loop. It curves back on
itself and we have about 40 or 50 neighbors who share out little road. Our road is not a thoroughfare—in other
words, our road is not used for commuting.
If you are driving on the road, you are either going to or from a home
on that road. You can not really use
Cleveland Drive to get from one destination to another.
Now, because
our road is not a thoroughfare, Charlotte County refuses to spend collective
tax money to pave or maintain it. They
do not feel that the residents of the county should foot the bill for a roadway
that only the residents of that road use regularly. Instead, the county uses something called a
Municipal Services Benefit Unit (M.S.B.U.) to tax the residents on Cleveland
Drive to pay for our own roadway. Let me
put this into perspective for you. Our
annual property taxes are about a thousand dollars a year, give or take. The MSBU charge is about twelve hundred
dollars. Those collective monies are put
into an account that is used to pay for paving and maintaining our road
Lately a growing group of cyclists has taken to using
our roadway for a scenic Tour-De-Cleveland. The bikers are not noisy, they don’t litter,
and they certainly don’t tear up the road surface. For the most part, the cyclists don’t bother
me too much. We have the luxury of some
of the best neighbors one could hope for, and I have heard some of them muttering about the
bikers being road hogs and disregarding stop signs. But that is a story for another day.
Last week, I noticed that the county had come
through our one way, dead end neighborhood roadway. They have placed signs at nearly every
intersection that are obviously road markers
directing cyclists where to go on their ride.
Now, I do have a problem with this.
When Charlotte County refuses to contribute to the upkeep of our roadway
under the pretext that only we use it, then directs any traffic down our road, then the County needs to step up and
start contributing to the upkeep and maintainence. If the cyclists want to come down the road
on their own accord, so be it. But what
business does Charlotte County have of turning our road into a racetrack, a
tourist route, or any other destination for anyone other than the residents?
Furthermore, I would really like to know if our tax
money is being used to install said signs.
A person who works for the Charlotte County Public Works Department told
me that the cyclists had approached the county with the proposition that they
would pay for the signage if the county would install them. If this is indeed the case, again I have a
problem with it. Who are these people to
determine what signage goes up on a roadway that we exclusively pay for? I feel that if this is true, then the cyclists should at the very least
have approached the residents of the neighborhood before they started spray
painting our road surfaces (they have been doing this for years to direct each
other on their routes) or putting up signage that we neither asked for or
Wow Howie. Well being one of the cyclists and a resident I will chime in. One...I don't like the signs, but then I didn't like the spray paint either...so I would rather have a sign than multi colored circles everywhere. I have more if a problem with cut-through traffic from the Ranchetts. They are the ones putting wear on our roads. ..not bicycles.